California Dental – Tooth Extraction
I never had a tooth pull before but one of my back teeth needs to be pull and I am worried about having it done. I am not sure what to expect will I be in a lot of pain during and after. I want to ask questions but I do not want to bug the dentist or get him upset with me for asking stupid questions.
Answer: When going to the dentist and you are unsure of what to expect. Try going to your dentist appointment a little early. Ask the dentist to explain to you want they are going to do in order to pull your tooth. Do not let them pull it until you understand the process.
Do not worry about the dentist getting upset, a good dentist will take the time to go over all your questions until you can feel okay with the dental work needed. Also there is no stupid question if you do not know the answer.
If your dentist dose not know that you have concerns or worries they can not address them with you. By doing this you will feel better about having the work done and not so worried about it.